健全司法權分工配合制約機制的思考 卞建林(1) 依法治國的憲法根基與動力 苗連營 張 衡(8)
現代社會治理中的權力依賴及其終結 張康之(16) 社會治理現代化:理念、制度與過程的三維重構 范逢春 尤 佳(23) 社會憲法中的國家觀念及對國家社會治理目標的啟示 葛先園(28)
制度層面下有效治理腐敗的策略探析——從民主政治建設視角出發 崔會敏(33) 制度反腐模式的階段性困境與應對策略 曹雪松(38) 利益集團博弈的制度框定——基于立法職業化視角 姚志奮 王保民(43) 健全反腐倡廉法規制度體系的思考建議 陳東輝(48)
——以民事檢察建議制度的完善與規范為視角王 曉 任文松(61)
政黨協商:社會主義協商民主的示范引領趙 勇(67)
中國特色殘疾人事業發展的三個向度 梁德友 周 沛(70)
中國農村醫療救助給付水平橫向公平問題研究白 晨 顧 昕(76)
NO.1,2015 (Monthly)
Reflections on the Improving Coordination and Division of Judicial Power Restriction Mechanism
Bian Jianlin(1)
The Constitutional Foundation and the Power of Rule of Law Miao Lianying,Zhang Heng(8)
The Power-dependence and Its End in Modern Social GovernanceZhang Kangzhi(16)
Modernization of the Social Governance: Concept, System and Process of Three-dimensional reconstruction
Fan Fengchun,You Jia(23)
The State Concept in Social Constitution and Its Inspiration for the National Governance Aims
Ge Xianyuan(28)
On the Effective Governance of Corruption Strategies Within the Institutional Aspect——From the Perspective of Democratic Political ConstructionCui Huimin(33)
Periodic Dilemma of Institutional Anti-corruption Pattern of trouble and Its Countermeasures
Cao Xuesong(38)
System Framing on Interest groups’ Gaming Playing——From the Perspective of Legislation Professionalization
Yao Zhifen, Wang Baomin(43)
Suggestions for a Sound System of Anti-corruption Laws and RegulationsChen Donghui(48)
Administrative Restrictions on the Effectiveness of Housing Transfer Contract Ma Lizhao(51)
The Value Orientation Method in the Judicial Activities Zhang Caiqi(56)
Parties Consultation: the Exemplary Demonstration of Socialist Deliberative DemocracyZhao Yong(67)
Three Dimensions in the development of Undertakings for the Disabled with Chinese Characteristics
Liang Deyou , Zhou Pei(70)
Toward the Horizontal Equity: The Inequality of Medicaid’s Benefit Level in Rural China
Bai Chen , Gu Xin(76)
The Role of Market and Government in Our Country’s First Distribution of IncomeZhao Xueqing(82)
Review of Counter-urbanization Status in ChinaZhong Weizhou(91)
The Empirical Study of Regional Soft Power Comprehensive Evaluation——Discussion on a Comparative Analysis of 15 Deputy Provincial CitiesGuo Chunyan(97)
On the Different Roads of Exploration — A Comparative Study of Wang Meng and Zong Pu’s Novels during
the Early Part of the New PeriodJin Haixue(102)
Study on the Style of “Ling” Li Feiyue(107)
Buddhism and Feng Zikai’s Life PhilosophyRan Xianghua(114)
Folk Drama “Stylized” Analysis— on the Family Ethics DramaBai Haiying(118)
要健全投入保障制度,創新投融資機制,加快形成財政優先保障、金融重點傾斜、社會積極參與的多元投入格局,確保投入力度不斷增強、總量持續增加”。這為以金融改革創新助力鄉村振興指明了方向、提出了更高要求,也帶來了更多機遇。 【詳情】